Minimally Invasive vs. Noninvasive Fat Loss Treatments
Minimally Invasive vs. Noninvasive Fat Loss –
Areas of unwanted fat are a common concern for many of our NYC patients. Every year these patients vow to lose fat within the New Year – and by the end of January most of them have already given up. This is because fat loss can be a stubborn issue – resulting from hereditary fat that simply does not respond to diet or exercise. No matter if it’s a persistent belly pouch after pregnancy, fat around the thighs that does not seem to budge, or bulges along the back or hips, localized fat can be almost impossible to get rid of permanently.
But the good news is that Goldenberg Dermatology in NYC now offers two of the best fat loss treatments on the market today: minimally invasive laser assisted lipo and noninvasive SculpSure.
Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure which has been one of the most popular and top performed cosmetic procedures for many years. The new generation of laser assisted lipo that we offer at our NYC practice even more safely, comfortably and effectively reduces fat permanently and refines the body contour.
In NYC in recent years, nonsurgical, noninvasive alternatives to liposuction for fat loss, such as state-of-the-art SculpSure have also become very popular. SculpSure fat loss treatments do not require an incision or anesthesia, and there’s no pain and no downtime.
In this article, NYC board certified dermatologist, Dr. Gary Goldenberg, explains the difference between these two fat loss approaches – to help you to decide which one might be right for you in the New Year.
Liposuction: Minimally Invasive Fat Loss
Liposuction is particularly effective at removing fat in the legs, abdomen, back, arms, face, and neck. The results are much more effective than other noninvasive fat reduction procedures. While highly effective, two things to consider are that liposuction has a longer recovery period than SculpSure, and typically costs more than the nonsurgical alternatives.
At Goldenberg Dermatology in NYC, we offer BeautiFill Lipo which is the most effective, yet gentlest and least invasive liposuction technology available. The thermal energy used during BeautiFill lipo offers the added benefit of simultaneous skin tightening which traditional lipo does not offer. This means your fat loss is much more noticeable, and the results are more attractive – because there is no layer of loose or sagging skin remaining after with BeautiFill laser lipo.
Mild pain or discomfort following the procedure typically lasts a few days, and can generally be managed with over the counter medications such as ibuprofen. After liposuction, there are a few days of downtime. No driving is advised for 24 hours and typically patients refrain from work for a few days. Any type of exercise or strenuous activity should be avoided for about week after liposuction.
However, BeautiFill Lipo can remove a large amount of fat in a single treatment – while noninvasive SculpSure may require multiple treatments. BeautiFill Lipo is the preferred treatment for reducing larger amounts of excess fat and significantly improving your physique (even in several areas at once) with just a single treatment.
SculpSure: Noninvasive Fat Loss
Like liposuction, sculpture fat removal is also permanent. The difference is that SculpSure is non-surgical, so there are no incisions, and no anesthesia is needed. SculpSure uses laser energy to heat the fat cells underneath the skin, while not affecting the outer layers of skin. The heat “kills” the fat cells and they are flushed out of the body over time through the body’s natural elimination process.
SculpSure laser fat removal treatments only take about 25 minutes and there is virtually no downtime. There is also no pain, soreness or swelling during or after the procedure. Patients can drive themselves home and immediately resume their normal activities.
As the destroyed fat cells are eliminated over time, it will take about 6 weeks to see a more toned and contoured body. The final fat loss results become visible around 12 weeks post treatment. At that time, the body has completely eliminated the dead fat cells.
SculpSure noninvasive fat loss treatments may be a better fit if you are already at your ideal weight, have good skin elasticity, and want to target smaller, stubborn trouble spots. SculpSure is also less expensive than lipo. However, keep in mind that the results will not be quite as dramatic as liposuction and multiple treatments may be necessary.
Minimally Invasive & Noninvasive Fat Loss – NYC
Some of our patients prefer liposuction for the dramatic, single-treatment results. Other NYC patients prefer SculpSure fat loss over liposuction because it is non-surgical, painless, and there is no downtime.
Call our NYC medical office today, and schedule an appointment to see whether BeautiFill minimally invasive liposuction or noninvasive SculpSure fat loss is right for you!