What are the skin care secrets of Oscar nominees?

Dr. Goldenberg discusses skin care of Oscar nominees Daniel Day-Lewis, Jacki Weaver, and Denzel Washington in Woman’s Day.

Some celebrities look much younger than their actual age. While some of this is genetic (these are great looking people, after all), skin care and cosmetic procedures also play a large role. Many celebrities use facial moisturizers with SPF, vitamin E, and multivitamin skin serum. Cosmetic procedures are also a must for most celebrities. These procedures vary from chemical peels to laser resurfacing, to botox and dysport, to fillers and facelifts. Celebrities that look great year after year don’t drastically change their look. Instead, their dermatologist or plastic surgeon understands that enhancing their natural appearance, without making the celebrity look fake or plastic, is key to long term success. The other key is that most celebrities start with good skin care and cosmetic procedures early. For example, if you wait to get deep wrinkles and lines on your forehead and around your eyes, you will need much more invasive surgery down the road. Instead, many celebrities and patients prevent these wrinkles and lines with good skin care, sun protection and procedures such as chemical peels and botox or dysport.

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