New Year New You with Permanent Fat Loss Treatments
It’s only been a few weeks since the ball dropped in Times Square ringing in 2025 – and most people in NYC and across the country have already broken their New Year’s weight loss resolutions. Every New Year, countless New Yorkers promise that this will be the year that they get rid of unwanted fat – making weight loss the number one New Year’s resolution in 2025, just like it is every year. But while many people have planned to start their fat loss regimen in 2025, they also quickly realize that they don’t have the time to exercise or work out as much as they would like.
Fortunately for residents of NYC, Goldenberg Dermatology offers two of the most advanced and effective ways to lose fat without dieting or exercise. Dr. Goldenberg has helped hundreds of women and men in the NYC area get the body they want with noninvasive SculpSure and minimally-invasive BeautiFill Lipo.
In this article, the fat loss experts at Goldenberg Dermatology in NYC explain why exercise and dieting alone are typically unsuccessful, and how revolutionary fat loss treatments like SculpSure BeautiFill Lipo can permanently get rid of unwanted fat.
Why Diet & Exercise Don’t Work for Fat Loss
Where fat is deposited on our bodies is largely hereditary. It is our DNA and not our diet that primarily influences where we store fat – leading to those “trouble spots” that do not respond to dieting or working out. And yet, frustratingly, “spot reducing” these problem areas is not possible with diet or exercise. This is because when the body looses weight it tends to come off uniformly over the entire body (and face!) – not just from trouble spots like the abdomen or thighs.
And, did you know that every adult has all of the fat cells that they will ever have? The number of fat cells a person has will never increase or decrease – the fat cells simply get larger if they gain weight or shrink if they lose weight. Even the most rigorous dieting or exercising cannot destroy fat cells.
However, fat cells CAN be destroyed and removed from the body via two advanced fat loss treatments at Goldenberg Dermatology in NYC. Both noninvasive SculpSure and minimally invasive BeautiFill Lipo permanently eliminate fat cells. And, the fat cells do not ever return – for a sleek, slim, toned, “new you” in the 2025 New Year! Even better, you can “spot reduce” fat with both SculpSure and BeautiFill Lipo – because each treatment targets and removes fat only from the areas where you store unwanted fat.
SculpSure Fat Loss Treatments
SculpSure™ laser lipo uses a patented laser that targets the fat cells. The energy from the laser heats the fat cells underneath the skin, without affecting the outer layers of the dermis. The fat cells are killed in this process.
The dead fat cells are then flushed out of the body over a 6 to 12 week period by natural elimination. At the end of the 12th week, all of the destroyed fat cells are gone and will not be replaced – making the fat loss permanent. Due to its incredible success and safety record, the FDA has approved SculpSure™ as a treatment for permanent fat cell reduction.
If you schedule your SculpSure Fat Loss appointment in January, you will accomplish your New Years resolution of getting a better body before April is even over! All without the sacrifice of restrictive dieting or endless hours at the gym.
Clinical data suggests SculpSure typically removes about 24% of fat in the treated area! The fat loss process is non-invasive and doesn’t involve incisions or anesthesia – so there are no scars and no downtime. In fact, patients can resume there normal daily activities immediately afterwards. And the comfortable and quick SculpSure fat loss sessions at Goldenberg Dermatology in NYC typically last less than a half hour for each treated area.
BeautiFill Laser Lipo for Fat Loss
Many providers in NYC offer traditional, tumescent liposuction – that sucks out fat, somewhat painfully and leaving noticeable scars. But Goldenberg Dermatology is one of only a few providers on the entire East Coast to offer advanced BeautiFill Laser Assisted Lipo. Because BeautiFill Lipo is laser assisted, the fat cells are separated and liquified for easier removal. The result is far less discomfort, swelling, bruising, and recovery time than other traditional liposuction methods. Additionally, the incisions are much smaller, meaning less pain and much tinier scars that fade very quickly.
Additionally, BeautiFill lipo is also a more advanced body sculpting procedure because it incorporates “autologous fat transfer.” This allows Dr. Goldenberg to permanently remove fat from areas where it is not desired (like the stomach, love handles, or thighs) – and put the fat cells in areas where more volume may be desired (such as the breast, buttocks, or face).
In other words, state-of-the art BeautiFill Lipo fat loss treatment permanently removes unwanted fat virtually painlessly, while preserving the fat cells for re-injection into areas of the body that need a little more volume. This process uses laser energy to gently separate the fat cells from the body, without the need for force. This results in less discomfort, as well as a less downtime and a more rapid recovery than traditional lipo. And less swelling also means you’ll see results sooner!
Drs. Gary and Kristina Goldenberg are among the very first physicians in NYC, and the entire US, to offer Alma Lasers’ newly released BeautiFill Body Sculpting & Fat Transfer procedure. And if you schedule your BeautiFill Fat Loss / Fat Transfer appointment in January, you will accomplish your New Years resolution of getting a better body before the month is even over.
New Year New You with BeautiFill Lipo
Sometimes fat loss alone isn’t enough to create the body contouring results you desire – especially when the fat loss leaves loose or saggy skin, or other areas of your physique remain that actually need more volume.
In addition to removing fat, BeautiFill lipo uses laser technology to tighten and tone the skin – in the abdomen and other areas – with its innovative laser technology. BeautiFill Lipo’s 1470 nm diode laser causes the collagen and elastic fibers within the skin to contract, simultaneously stimulating the production of new collagen in the process. This leaves patients with firmer, tighter skin than ever – on the abs, arms and elsewhere – but without the many risks, large scars, long recovery period and potential complications of skin tightening surgery.
Additionally, many women have never had breasts or buttocks that were as large and shapely as they desired. Many other women have lost breast or buttocks firmness, shape and volume over the years due to aging, pregnancy, nursing, gravity or hereditary factors. BeautiFill Lipo Fat Loss & Transfer can resolve those issues, to!
The board certified dermatologists at Goldenberg Dermatology in NYC can naturally create breast or buttocks fullness, tone, lift and shape with the fat that is removed during the liposuction portion of the procedure. BeautiFill breast enhancement is performed by removing unwanted, “living” fat cells from one area of the body (such as the tummy), and re-injecting them into the breasts or butt – without the use of artificial implants or painful and expensive surgery.
100% natural BeautiFill fat transfer provides results that are similar to traditional breast augmentation or butt lift surgery but without the scars, long recovery period and dangerous complications of implanting their body with foreign objects.
Fat Loss Treatments – NYC
With two permanent fat loss treatments to choose from, schedule a consultation at Goldenberg Dermatology in NYC. Every patient is unique, and will be provided with a personalized evaluation and detailed answers to any questions – so you can choose the fat loss treatment that will finally fulfill your New Years resolution for a slimmer, more sculpted New You in 2025.
NYC Fat Loss Treatments: 212-405-8202
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